After the heavenly lightning, although Ne Zha and Ao Bing survived by becoming Spirits, they would soon dissipate completely. Taiyi plans to rebuild Ne Zha and Ao Bing’s mortal bodies with the Seven-colored Precious Lotus. However, during the process of reconstruction, numerous obstacles arise. What will become of the fate of Ne Zha and Ao Bing?
电影概述及剧情简介: 本片总票房超过10亿美元,成为全球最高票房的非好莱坞电影、最高票房的动画电影,并成功登榜全球影史票房前十名! 在天劫之后,哪吒及敖丙的灵魂虽然保住,但肉身很快就会魂飞魄散。太乙真人只能用七色宝莲给二人重塑肉身,但过程中却遭遇重重困难。申公豹放出被囚禁深海的四龙王,东海龙王敖光表示“我若出战,就让陈塘关鸡犬不留”,哪吒为了守卫陈塘关将与四海龙王大打出手。
Ne Zha 2 is not applicable to any promotions, discounts, free lists, vouchers, concession rates, bundle deals including but not limited to credit card promotions, corporate rates, senior citizen rates, student rates, children rates etc, throughout the full period of exhibition run, as indicated by film owner and film distributor.
Classification P12: This film category is suitable for viewers of all ages. Parental guidance is advised for viewers under the age of 12.
Klasifikasi P12: Kategori filem ini adalah sesuai untuk penonton di semua peringkat umur. Bimbingan ibu bapa/penjaga digalakkan untuk penonton di bawah umur 12 tahun.
Joseph 囧森瑟夫, Han Mo 韩沫, Chen Hao 陈浩, Lü Yanting 呂晏庭